Seasonal weather fluctuations, particularly during the winter months, may have a considerable impact on your skin. Exposure to the outdoors may cause facial skin to become dry, flake, itch, and even develop painful, scaly spots. Taking a proactive approach to skin care during these months will allow you to prevent the worst effects of winter on your skin.

Protection is the finest first line of defense for winter skin care! Even throughout the winter months, you must continue to apply sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher while outside. Even while you may believe that the sun's benefits are lessened throughout the winter months, this is not the case. The sun's reflection on snow and ice may be very destructive. Wearing a scarf that can be readily pulled up to shield the cheekbones and lower area of the face from the weather is also an effective preventive approach.

Although it may seem contradictory, dry skin benefits greatly from exfoliation, which helps remove dead skin cells, smooths the skin's surface, and stimulates cell renewal. Whether you pick a chemical exfoliant like glycolic acid or a mechanical exfoliant like a face scrub, adding exfoliation into your regimen at least a couple of times per week will significantly improve dry skin. And for the love of God, do not use astringents or soap. They will simply exacerbate skin dryness. Use a super-rich cleanser, such as one containing soy or oats, to condition your skin while cleansing.

Maintaining the hydration level of the skin throughout the winter months is particularly essential. After a warm shower or steaming facial, the skin is normally well-hydrated. Immediately lock in the moisture with an emollient-rich skin cream. Moisturizers maintain the skin's health and provide protection from the harsh impacts of the cold. The more regularly a moisturizer should be used, the drier the skin.

Use a petroleum-based treatment on the afflicted regions before bedtime to treat any very dry, scaly patches that may develop. Vaseline, believe it or not, does miracles on stubbornly dry, cracked, and peeling skin. Unfortunately, the majority of people believe that using Vaseline on their face would clog pores and have a bad impact on their complexion. In a word, false! When applied to the face and lips, Vaseline and other petroleum-based products create a protective, insulating layer for the skin on cold, windy days.

Lastly, an over-the-counter antibiotic ointment has considerable healing benefits on skin that are cracked and irritated or those annoying skin patches that persist despite your best attempts. A hydrocortisone cream available over-the-counter may give both itching relief and a reduction in the symptoms of dryness and flake for itchy, flaky, and very dry regions. Please keep in mind that if your disease continues, it is advisable to visit a physician to determine the most effective treatment for your specific skin condition.